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order Unholy ☞
Sarah Posner
Journalist and Author
Recent work:
Archive of MSNBC Columns
How Many Forms of Antisemitism Can Trump Cram Into One Truth Social Post? Let's count. (Talking Points Memo)
The key Ingredients of Christian Nationalism (Talking Points Memo)
The GOP's Christian Supremacy Problem (Moment Magazine)
The Christian Nationalist Boot Camp Pushing Anti-Trans Laws Across America (Insider and Type Investigations)
The Southern Baptist Convention's Deal with the Devil (The Nation and Type Investigations)
The Christian Right Plots How to Avenge the FBI Raid (Talking Points Memo)
How Did Maryland Republicans Nominate Two Extremist Screwballs for Statewide Office? (The New Republic)
The Christian Right Fires a Warning Shot at Senate Republicans (Talking Points Memo)
Andrew Hartzler Wasn’t Allowed To Be Gay on Campus. So He’s Suing. (Politico Magazine and Type Investigations)
How Christian Nationalism And The Big Lie Fused To Fuel Doug Mastriano’s Candidacy (talking Points memo)
How The ‘New Right’ Of The 1970s Helped The Great Replacement Theory Go Mainstream (Talking Points MemO)
Overturning Roe Is the Crowning Achievement of Christian Nationalism (The Nation and Type Investigations)
Look Who’s Blowing Shofars (Moment
Archive of Stories with Reveal on the Christian Right and January 6 and its Aftermath
Archive of Work at Type Investigations
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